Website powered by
Chaim Garcia
Senior Game Artist/Illustrator
John Carter of Mars
Achtung! Cthulhu
The Spy Game
Golem & Odd
Crystal Wizard
Mercenary Crossbowman
Lesser Mad Pumpkin Head - Elden Ring
Homeworld RPG
Batman - Reflections
Seth (Goblin) - Mörk Borg
Golem of Prague
Dödgrävare - Ghoul/Grave Golem
Ziggurat Cover Concept
Shepherd Nymph
Yellow King
Crimson Shambler
Mörk Borg - Character Class Concepts (Fan art)
Temple Attendants
The Spy Game - Rookie & Mentor
The Spy Game - Spot Illustrations
Witch Hunter
Goldie Ratshanks
Mudge Mooseknuckle - Goblin
Wode Rider
Ogre Berserker
Achtung! Cthulhu Character Classes - Infiltrator
Achtung! Cthulhu Character Classes - Occultist
Achtung! Cthulhu Character Classes - Investigator
Achtung! Cthulhu Character Classes - Soldier
Achtung! Cthulhu Character Classes - Grease Monkey
Achtung! Cthulhu Character Classes - Commander
Achtung! Cthulhu Character Classes - Con Artist
Achtung! Cthulhu Character Classes - Boffin
Achtung! Cthulhu Character Classes
Desert Soldier - The Spy Game
Star Trek Adventures
Star Trek Adventures - Bar Brawl
Star Trek Adventures
Star Trek Adventures - Aderi
Star Trek Adventures - Klingon Friends Young and Old
The Grey Guard
Aberrant Bulette
Valturg the Shopkeeper
Acthung! Cthulhu 2D20 Character Art
Achtung! Cthulhu - Singh vs. Mi-Go
Acthung! Cthulu - Spiritual Combat
Golem & Odd
Golem and Odd: Eight Chambers of the Void (excerpt)
Azure Demon
The Wagadu Chronicles, more
The Wagadu Chronicles TTRPG, Spirits and Creatures concepts
Martian Spiders - John Carter of Mars RPG
Mjølk Tand- Half-Orc Two Rivers of Life Paladin
Warhoons Training Ground - John Carter of Mars RPG
Orluk - John Carter of Mars RPG
Red Martian vs Pirates - John Carter of Mars RPG
Thern Hypnosis - John Carter of Mars RPG
Assassin - John Carter of Mars RPG
John Carter and Tars Tarkas vs the Plant Men
Thoat Lancing
The Spy Game - RPG - Cover
Anung Un Rama
Golem & Odd: The Comic
Golem & Odd Concepts
Golem & Odd: Ziggurat Molebeast
Golem & Odd
Guardian Monk
Scavenger Scrap
John Carter of Mars RPG- Thoat Riders of Manatos
John Carter of Mars
John Carter of Mars RPG - Warhoons
Arbok - John Carter of Mars RPG
Zitidar - John Carter
John Carter of Mars RPG - Earth Scientist
Sorak & Darseen - John Carter of Mars RPG
John Carter of Mars - Skeleton Men of Jupiter
Tales from the Loop RPG - Crescent City, CA
Wiseguys RPG - Bomber Girl
Lady of Ogre Mountain
One Last Look
Mountain Run
The Underdark
Monster Manual
Deep Gnome
Subject 18
Night Shift
Critical Role - Vax
Critical Role - Grog
Hide and Seek
Red Army
Crossing Guard
Critical Role - PIke
Critical Role - Scanlan
Tales from the Loop Kids
D&D Character Illustrations
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